Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas to all!

And another Christmas is fast departing. The takings were quite good this year. Clothes, shoes, an amazing new watch, and many other items of desire were bequeathed to me this year. But that's not why we celebrate christmas, is it? Of course not. I've been having a blast among several assorted relatives. We've played games, talked, and watched various christmas specials.
The Birth of my saviour is, of course the real reason this holiday is celebrated, and it's been in my mind a lot lately (obviously, 'tis the season). Now more than ever do I realize that Christ is real, that he lives, and that he is my redeemer. The gift that he gave me millenia ago is more precious than any I recieved this year or years past. I don't use it or appreciate it half as much as I should, and this inspires guilt within myself every so often when I'm feeling thoughtful and spiritual (a combination I try to avoid, thusly it occurs fairly rarely).
For example, I'm out of reverence so I'm going to move on the a lighter-hearted subject. I have been reading a book that is composed of blogs by a friend of my Mother's. It's called The Broken Arms, and it's by a dude called Tolkein Boy. I'm really enjoying it, and it has inspired me to abuse my blog more.
So I ordered several presents on the internet for assorted friends and relatives, and it has yet to arrive. Consequently, a select group of people didn't recieve presents from me yet. Hopefully it'll come tomorrow so I can dispense the tardy presents Before I depart for Utah.
I got te COOLEST watch for Christmas. It has a tri-color display. It's awesome and i live it. And that's mymaterial attachment confession for the day.
Seeing as my attention-spanometer is reading jsut above 0, I'll jsut express my gratittude for ten thigs and get off. Love you all!
1. Cool Watches
2. Awesome new shoes
3. Fountain pens
4. Remote controls
5. Rat-sized dogs
6. Good reading material
7. Star Wars
8. Chocolate
9. Huge drifts of snow
10. Music
Keep it happy!

Friday, December 22, 2006

Walking in a winter wonderland....NOT

And the snow fell. and fell. and fell and fell and fell. This is one Winter wonderland that you do NOT want to have to walk through. The snow is at least 2 feet thick in most parts, thicker in some. Walking is not a fun option.
On a completely unrelated note, we dicided to do some last minute christmas shopping in Cheyanne on wednesday, despite the fact that there was a monstrous blizzard barfing snow all over the place. And we made it there, though the journey was long and perilous. Then the all-important questions was asked: "What should we do for lunch?" I thought that we should just hit the Wendy's drive through and go to the mall. But nooooooooo, everyone else wanted to go eat a long luch at Applebees. So we did. And lo and behold, as we partook of our lunch, all the stores in teh world closed for the storm, and the highways closed as well. So we all had a slumber party at my aunt's house.The next day, we got most our shopping done (although it took my mother untill 3:00 pm to get ready to leave), and came home, arriving at about 9:00.
But I'm getting some pretty awesome new shoes for Christmas, and managed to find a gift for my impoosible to buy for mother.
How hard is it to make a quesodilla? Obviously it's hard enough for Rachel Ray to have to show us on the food channel. Which brings me to a related subject. My Uncle is trying to plan a local family cooking night sometime in the near future, and decided that we all had to choose the names of chefs on tv form it. My chosen name is Ming Tsai. And it is the most awesome cooking name EVER! that's all.
I have suddenly been hit my the hard reality that all my senior firends are graduationg this year, and consequently will be gone next year. It has inspired me to write a poem called Season's End. It's still in draft form, but when it's done I'll post it.
Speaking of poems, Here's one sent to me by a good friend. She didn't write it. but I thought that it was fitting, considering the condition of everything outside.
Why I Love Wyoming at Christmas

When it's Christmas in Wyoming
And the gentle breezes blow
About seventy miles an hour
And it’s twenty two below
You can tell you're in Wyoming
'Cause the snow's up to your butt
You take a breath of Christmas air
And your nostrils both freeze shut
The weather here is wonderful
So I guess I'll hang around
I could never leave Wyoming
My feet froze to the ground!

Monday, December 11, 2006


My hopes high, I approach you
A smile dances across my face
But you, you look straight through me,
You don't see me at all.
I am transparent, I'm nothing
To you I'm not even there.
Why talk to nothing?
My hopeful greetings miss you ears,
Blow right past on the breeze of your indifference to me.
You see others, you greet them
With shouts, and smiles, and hugs.
Others see my, hail me,
Acknowledge me as your eyes
slide over and skip me.
While to others I have a place,
To you I'm just empty space,
You can't look me in the face.
Why don't I just quit,
Just leave you alone?
My tries are futile, I'm a mosquito
Trying to drink from a stone.
Still I attempt to draw one sip
Of your attention, your affection.
As you gaze on the painting of people around you,
Where I am, there's a rip.
But that's okay, because that's all you give about me.
Each day you pass by,
and unseen, still I try
To become visible to you.
I want to be a neon light amid the signs that are your friends.
But right now, in your mind,
I'm invisible.

Friday, December 08, 2006

An Ode to Thursday

Ah, Thursday, thou dost walk among
The fair days of the week.
Of all the school days I endure,
It's Thursday that I seek.
How do I love thee?
Pray, allow me,
Let me count the ways.
I will now eloquently praise
this fairest of weekdays:
Thursday follows Wednesday,
Thus the school week's nearly done.
You bring us the anticipation
Of Friday and his fun!
While Thursday's not a block day
Stil, the classes move by fast.
I love the Thursday present,
Thursdays Future, Thursdays Past!
While this Thursday neither starts, nor ends
The days on which school we attend
It is the day to whom I send
Affection that will ever last!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

What are you supposed to put when you don't have a title?

I love Wednesdays. And this Wednesday was a good'un. I went to Seminary, and then went home and slept, because I've had a cough for about two week now, and it refuses to go away. So I wasted today sleeping, and watching TV. It was prett good. I'm feeling pretty peachy right now, So I think I'm gonna go to activity tonight.
I need new shoes. Mine are falling apart. But I'm waiting until Christmas (oops! did it again! I meant, of course, WINTER) break, because apparently that's the first chance we have to go somewhere that I can get some decent shoes that I like for a decent price. Wal-mart and K-mart shoes SUCK!
I love anything mint flavored. ANYTHING! But I hate, with a burning, fiery passion the way mints rattle in tins and containers. And loose change. I hate not having control over the sound that emanates from my pockets. Keys, I'm okay with. But mints and loose change drive me insane!
I have decided that there is too much negativity in the world. In fact, sometimes it's downright depressing. So from now on, I'm going to list ten things that I love at the end of every post. And first I'll say one thing that I really don't like, because it's good to get it out of the system. Tonight, I will tell you that I eschew pocket change.
And now, ten things I love(in no specific order):
The Fairly Odd-Parents
Mint-flavored gum of any flavor
Good Blankets
Hot Chocolate
Getting Mail
and Sunsets/Sunrises
I love all of you! (and that one doesn't count for my list, in case you thought I was listing eleven)

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Isn't it great to be alive?

Life is amazing right now. I have weightlifted, and had fun with my friends. Things with a certain girl have not improved, but at the moment I am impervious to the depair that that would normally bring me. I have been enveloped by a great sense of contentment. I wish I could hang on to this feeling for the rest of my life. But that's not going to happen. However, for the moment I am happy to be writing to whoever might be reading this. I love everything. Math is Amazing, Lit is amazing, I could probably find out that I have to get my colon examined and I would be fine with that. I made All-state Choir. I have amazing music to listen to. My mother is reading me hilarious posts from other random blogs. I have (pretty much) no homework to do. I love everything. And now I will go watch some amazing TV. I LOVE YOU!

Saturday, December 02, 2006

You've been Kwonched!

It is bitterly cold on the home front. It has been frigid outside all week. But I have found a new hero to combat the evil forces of Frostiness. And this hero is known as THE AMAZING FLEECE SWEATSHIRT! I got it last Christmas and it has been hanging in my closet ever since. I pulled it out last night. It is the most amazing piece of clothing I own. I never want to take it off. It's soft, and fuzzy and (most importantly) warm! Also, as of last night, I have decided to wear warm and awesome hats everywhere.
In case anyone was wondering, all of my predictions for yesterday came true. And I ACED my math test.
It has been brought to my attention that the name of my blog is somewhat of an enigma. As you can see above, I call my blog Kwonched! The origin of this word is nothing special, and the meaning of it has no significance either. I have in my impressive vocabulary several words that I have made-up over the course of my life. Kwonch is one of them. I came up with it as I was contemplating the cereal known as Cap'n Crunch. My thought process is rather bizarre sometimes, and somehow the words morphed into Captain Kwonch. I immediately fell in love with kwonch and added it to the Freakin' Awesome Gibberish section of my vocabulary. Also in that section are Sazoshodok and Clampu. I reserve these words for use when a I need a word that I can't think of to describe something. I couldn't think of a title for my blog, and so I turned Kwonch into a verb, and my title was born. To be Kwonched! is to be hit by something completely random and incredible. As I am both of these things, my blog is also. Thusly, anyone who visits my blog gets Kwonched! I hope this has cleared up any questions certain anonymous people have left in my comments.
Oh yeah, and for anyone who cares, I made my awesome blog template with a website. The link is at the bottom of the page.
In closing, here is an example of how cold it is outside:

Friday, December 01, 2006

Not actually on task

I'm actually supposed to be comparing Apocalypse Now with Heart of Darkness for AP lit, but I don't feel like it. Just because I opted out of actually watching it in class. All I actually have to do is read a summary of Apocalypse Now so I can participate in discussions about it. But my microscopic attention span has brought me back to my blog. This is my first serious post. It's not a story or fun poem-ish attempt. This is probably as close to having a journal as I'll ever get. Except nothing ever majorly awesome happens to me. Oh well. Whenever I start getting depressed about my lack of adventure, I just ask myself that if I had to choose between a fight to the death with a clan of ninjas (which I would of course lose. Even my impressive and numerous skills couldn't defeat an entire clan of ninjas), and carrying on with my adventureless life, and I choose life. It's not like my life is boring or anything. It's just that nothing ever happens that is really cool. Like having two monster trucks crash into each other right in front of my neighbor's house (I'd say my own house, but then the debris might cause property damage). I wish that I would get called to go on a quest with a handful of my companions like in LOTR. But it's not gonna happen and I've accepted this. Besides from what I read in the books, those Ringwraiths have some major halitosis. But my life is pretty sweet. I have some awesome friends, and we have fun. That's all you really need.
On another, less listless (is that proper English?) note, seminary was fun this morning. It actually could have been a pretty spiritual lesson had it not happened on a Friday when my internal tank of reverence was running on empty. But it was fun. I feel bad when my moter prepares a good lesson and i ruin it by being rambunctious. But my guilt was neutralized by the fact that my mom ws almost as irreverent than me.
I have a new band to add to my list of Favorites. The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus is amazing. They are made even more amazing by the fact that they're amazing AND a Screamo band. It definitely take Uber-skill to be an amazing Screamo band.
I wish I could write more, but I'm only in first period. Nothing else has happened today. However if anything does, I'll try and post it tomorrow on the off chance that someone actually cares. To pass the next two or so minutes I have before I have to return to class, I'll predict the rest of my day: I will go to Chemistry and be bored while we take notes as a class. Then I'll go to Modern American Studies and have fun with 3 unnamed friends while my teacher makes us do somethigng relatively engaging. The fun I have with my friends will not have anything to do with what we're doing in class. That's just how it goes. Then I'll go sing in Choir. Then I'll eat lunch with some more friends, probably not at school. I'll return to school and go to math, and be bored. French will follow, where we will take a test and them mess around. Afterwards I will go weight-lift, and then I will finish making up a test for math that i missed last week. The I will go home, and chill for a bit. I'll probably end up at a friend's house till eleven o'clock. Then I'll go to bed.